
CATS is the bespoke Datatex application for the visual inspection and quality logging of roll goods. The transition of roll goods from greige to finished state is a critical step in inventory and must therefore be accompanied by precise analysis and decision support delivered in real-time to the machine operator and management. CATS is designed to search and find the optimal cutting of the fabric considering major and minor flaws, frequency of defects and customer requirements. A huge benefit of CATS from Datatex is the real-time mapping of defects and constant suggestions about the best way to deal with flaws, whether this involves removal, resolution (fixing) or simply flagging. The roll mapping and defect data from CATS then flows with the roll providing quality insight to warehouse personnel, customer fulfillment team and if desired the end customer.


  • Identifies every flaw

  • Reports all defects detected

  • Advises the optimization plan in real time

  • Manages inventory procedures based on roll defect data


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